Talent acquisition: how can Atlantic France help you to recruit?

#Innovation #Insights&co

To succeed in your establishment or to continue developing your business, recruitment is sometimes your #1 concern. At the end of 2021, 40.4% of companies in the region declared they were ready to hire*. Solutions&co is here to support you and help your company benefit from many existing systems in Atlantic France. 

Key figures:

4 out of 10 businesses plan to recruit

in Atlantic France

+ than 200,000 recruitments have been announced for 2022

i.e. an increase of +5% compared with 2021

6% unemployment rate

in the 4th quarter of 2021

* Source: Workforce Needs 2022 survey, published by Pôle Emploi (the French public employment service) 

A dedicated support for your establishment

Solutions&co will support you with your recruitment needs in order to facilitate and encourage the setting up of your establishment in Atlantic France. The advice and expertise of our economic developers is real added value when securing the HR aspects of your project:  they have knowledge of schools, of regional training and employment professionals (recruitment firms, Pôle Emploi, etc.), mastery in recruitment solutions and regional labour costs, expertise about available aid, and more. Solutions&co will save you precious time, and above all increase your efficiency.

Nosemplois.fr: the benchmark website to help you recruit in Atlantic France

Launched online for the first time in June 2022, nosemplois.fr is one of the 5 ambitious measures of the regional mobilisation plan for employment. It aims to bring together as many offers as possible, which are available in Atlantic France. Totally free, this digital tool offers unique assets and many advantages for both companies and candidates.

Business services include the following features:

  • The possibility of detecting profiles as early as possible, by connecting with future graduates who are in continual vocational training and are registered on the regional programmes 
  • Being able to receive real-time alerts on predefined profiles
  • Having increased visibility of your offers, thanks to their automatic publication on other job sites with a large audience
  • Being able to automate the publication of your offers to save time
  • The possibility of creating your own company page to enhance your brand

We wanted to become a partner of the website Nosemplois.fr because we want to be part of the regional ecosystem which strongly supports the development of industry. In Atlantic France, this sector remains a major employer. The region is naturally attractive and we are mobilising to serve this dynamism. The use of this platform will help support our growth in the heat pump market. Beyond the current recruitment of 130 people per year in Nantes, we plan to increase our workforce by more than 50% by 2030. Our ambition is also to be more visible to young talents from the many good schools or universities in the region.

Éric Yvain, managing director of Saunier Duval

Solutions to speed up your recruitment in Atlantic France

Pays de la Loire Conseil

This support is offered specifically to VSEs / SMEs once they are established in the region. Business leaders benefit from an advisory service related to development and human resources at a key stage in the life of the company. The service includes advice on: external growth, transmission, adaptation to the market, etc.

Human resources consulting service (PCRH)

Co-financed by the French State and the Atlantic France regional council, this program allows small and medium-sized businesses to benefit from support linked to the resumption of economic activity, recruitment, or the integration of employees into the company. Depending on the type of need, the external consultant may also work on employer branding issues.


This system, offered by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), allows you to carry out a complete diagnosis of your human resources. From legal obligations to the management of human capital, the objective is to have concrete and practical tools, in a context of consolidation, evolution, or reorganisation.

Emploi Export Pays de la Loire

If your VSE-SME in the Atlantic France region has an export development project (innovation, product, etc.), and needs to recruit to launch this new product, Emploi Export Pays de la Loire is for you! The aid rate is 50% of the gross annual remuneration (including charges), within the limit of €20,000/year.

Many schemes exist to help you recruit, and Solutions&co can support you with finding the one that will best suit your business! 

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