International investment: a Choose France event in Germany

#Allmarkets #Intelligence&co

In September, we will be in Berlin for a seminar dedicated to German companies interested in exploring business opportunities in France. This event, organised by Business France, will be the perfect occasion to connect with players like us, who help international investors set up in France.

Germany is a key partner for the Atlantic France region. For several consecutive years, it has been the top investor country in our region, currently representing 275 firms and 12,300 jobs. Notable companies that have set up businesses here include CLAAS, Porsche Automobile Holding (with Scania and Man Energy Solutions), and ThyssenKrupp.

At Business Solutions Atlantic France, we are committed to identifying the needs of German entrepreneurs and linking them with the strengths and assets of our region. We are therefore pleased to be one of the three French regions participating in the first Choose France event in Germany on the 26th of September 2024 between 9 AM and 2 PM. Over 100 attendees are expected.

3 round-table conferences

The event will highlight French priority sectors, particularly the strategic axes of the France 2030 plan, which were presented during the Choose France Summit in Versailles on the 13th of May.

Following a keynote speech explaining why France is an attractive environment for German companies, featuring a representative of the French government and the Director General of Business France, there will be three 45-minute debates on the following topics:

  • The ecological and energy transitions
  • Industry of the future & innovation – Speakers: Richard Thiriet, Atlantic France Regional Councillor for industry, and CLAAS, which has a production site in Atlantic France 
  • Mobility & decarbonisation

The event will conclude with a networking cocktail lunch.

For more information, contact our business advisor Nathalie Garry.

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