Digital: the main insights from the VivaTech event

#Digital #Insights&co
© Margot Douillard

The Atlantic France region was well represented at the 2024 edition of VivaTech. The international event dedicated to digital technology provided an opportunity to spotlight innovative players and the key issues relevant to professionals.

The 2024 edition of VivaTech in Paris was a huge success, attracting 165,000 visitors (+10% compared to 2023) and 13,500 startups (+20%).

We attended to strengthen links with the 27 innovative Atlantic France startups exhibiting and to meet industrial startups with industrialisation projects, aiming to help them forge development partnerships in Atlantic France.

We realised just how important it is to have a clear objective when visiting the show and to be accompanied by advisors, such as the team at Business Solutions Atlantic France, who can help you meet the right partners.

Generative IA: a must for industrial startups

Generative artificial intelligence replicates human cognitive capacity to create content autonomously. In the industrial sector, this technology can save time and increase efficiency, for example, by writing end-of-day reports or interpreting safety standards.

What really stood out for me this year was the emergence of open-source AI, which is really taking off and showing enormous potential. Open-source AI makes it possible to offer secure, sovereign solutions hosted on your company’s servers. This means that you can reap the substantial benefits of AI, while better protecting your company’s data, saving time and money, using more sober models, and specialising a model according to your needs.

Aymeric de Maussion, AI expert at Solutions&co

A special focus on Japan

This year, the country of honour at Vivatech was Japan. This was a great opportunity for us to meet innovative Japanese companies at the show and discuss future collaborative projects.

In line with our active prospecting in Japan, which I visited two months ago, this event perfectly aligns with our strategy, targeting Japanese tech startups with industrial applications. I had the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas with several of these companies that were present at the show. They are the type of businesses we wish to work with and assist in their decision to set up a French subsidiary. This reinforces our commitment and proactive approach to this promising market.

Madoka Hebert, Japan Project Advisor at Solutions&co

Atlantic France: the place to be for digital businesses

In Atlantic France, digital technology is a priority sector which relies on a well-structured ecosystem with innovative startups and leading companies, research labs, academics, clusters, and innovation platforms.

The region has also won a European call for projects and is leading an ambitious project, known as DIVA, to digitise industrial enterprises.

Looking for more information on the digital sector in Atlantic France? Download our latest guide below.

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