Great business opportunities in the automotive industry and smart mobility

Great because you will find the skills and expertise you need to develop your business
Atlantic France is a welcoming place for the vehicle and mobility sector. Join many industrial stakeholders here:
- car manufacturers such as Renault which has a plant in Le Mans
- specific vehicle manufacturers such as Rapido, Gruau, Arquus/Renault Truck Defense, Claas, etc. (lorries, motorhomes, agricultural equipment, off-road vehicles, trucks, ambulances, fire engines…)
- suppliers such as Arconic, Webasto, Valéo, GKN Driveline, NTN, Gys, etc. (materials, electronics, lighting, batteries…).
Benefit from the versatile industrial skills present in our region to develop your business in mobility. Follow international companies such as Scania (Volkswagen group) which chose to set up a Southern European production and assembly hub in Atlantic France to cover the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian markets.
Great because Atlantic France is a cradle of tomorrow’s mobility fully open to innovative players
How can your business fit in? Our dedicated cluster ID4MOBILITY and its members are open to collaborate with performance-oriented technology & service providers in:
- Embedded systems: vehicle interfaces, connected vehicles, communications, safety and control.
- Electrical vehicles: electric & hybrid motors, batteries, electromechanical systems, electrical architecture.
- Cockpit design and services for autonomous and self-driving vehicles
- Digital services for smart mobility
Great because we promote and encourage smart mobility
Our main cities are strongly involved in smart city initiatives including smart mobility issues. That means business opportunities for you!
Great because you will be given access to high-level academic research, technological resources and talents
In Atlantic France, you can build your excellence with academic research, which is a pillar of the innovation process. Thanks to higher engineering schools such as Centrale Nantes, ESTACA Laval, ESEO Angers, ENSIM Le Mans, you are sure to find your talents here!
Great because our region hosts the 24 Hours of Le Mans race!
This is a unique opportunity for you to connect with most of the regional automotive players during a major international event.
Leading names

Powerful networking and the right connections
Innovation clusters
Promotes and develops business and innovation in automotive industry

The French industrial cluster for advanced manufacturing technologies

Images & Réseaux
The reference cluster of digital innovation (Intelligent territory, smart home, e-education and e-health …)

Business clusters
Brings together businesses in the electronics sector and users from all sectors

Innovation platforms
This technology transfer centre specialises in acoustics and vibrations, materials, biological and medical engineering, and design engineering.

Technocampus Composites
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to composite manufacturing

Technocampus Electronique & IoT
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to electronics and IoT technologies

IRT Jules Verne
Mutualised research institute dedicated to the industry of the future, seeking to boost competitiveness in strategic industries by disruptive fabrication technologies

Technocampus Acoustique
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to acoustics

Academic and technology resources
Academic resources
- Centrale Nantes: Ranked in the top 5 engineering schools in France. Known for its Ph.D. research studies in Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing. Other Ph.D. research studies in Computer Science and Automation, & Robotics.
- ESTACA: This engineering school provides courses in all transport sectors: aeronautics, automotive, space, urban transport and rail
- ENSIM Le Mans: This engineering school provides courses in vibrations, acoustics, sensors and data processing
- ESEO: The Grande Ecole of General Engineers in Intelligent Objects and Systems
Technological ressources
- LAUM: A laboratory specialising in audible range acoustics and in new research areas relating to vibrations and ultrasound
- Laval Virtual Center: a leading innovation catalyst for VR/AR applications