Great business opportunities in marine renewables

Great because you will join a pioneering region for renewable energy in the marine environment
Atlantic France is home to the first operational offshore wind farm in France. The Saint Nazaire wind farm has been in service since the end of 2022. 2 out of the 7 French fixed offshore wind farms will be installed in our region which also hosts the IDEOL first French floating wind turbine.
With the second-largest wind potential in Europe, France is committed to raising installed capacity to between 4,7 and 5,2 GW by 2028 (fixed and floating offshore wind). Atlantic France is the flagship of the French marine renewables industry: come on board!
Great because you will be close to key MRE players and take advantage of a dedicated business cluster
Set up your business alongside major companies of the marine renewables sector: Chantiers de l’Atlantique, GE Renewable Energy, Rollix Desfontaines, Geps Techno, FMGC, Innosea Loc Group, D-ICE Engineering…
The Neopolia business cluster will offer you numerous opportunities for partnering with our offshore wind players – over 100 businesses across the value chain – and to enter the French renewables market.
Great because your marine renewable energy operations will rely on strong assets
Lean on long-standing expertise in marine engineering. Atlantic France counts on many design companies and qualitative test facilities, among which the only French offshore multi-technology test-site, SEM-REV, hosts the floating wind turbine demonstrator Floatgen.
Here you will find the right partners to support your research and innovation activities: the West Atlantic Marine Energy Community (WEAMEC) bringing together the regional research, innovation and training stakeholders, Centrale Nantes engineering school, offshore renewable-related collaborative technology platforms, etc. You will also meet partner businesses to team up with for Horizon Europe projects!
Great because your talent pool is here
Ease your recruitment process thanks to an extensive training portfolio for marine renewables, ranging from operator to engineer level.
Approximately 250 students graduate every year from various higher education courses. Centrale Nantes and Université de Nantes have developed over 20 continuous training modules on Marine Renewable Energy.
Great because you will get access to the largest European port on the Atlantic seaboard
Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port has been adapted to handle the heavy-duty components associated with marine renewable developments.
It offers your business a logistics hub for the pre-assembly of wind turbines and, together with its 3 additional ports (Noirmoutier, Yeu, La Turballe,) they will act as maintenance bases for offshore wind farms.
To go further
Leading names

Powerful networking and the right connections
Innovation clusters
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Cluster dedicated to marine activities with 6 strategics areas.

The French industrial cluster for advanced manufacturing technologies

Business clusters

Innovation platforms
IRT Jules Verne
Mutualised research institute dedicated to the industry of the future, seeking to boost competitiveness in strategic industries by disruptive fabrication technologies

Technocampus Ocean
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to marine structures and metallic materials

Technocampus Composites
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to composite manufacturing

Academic resources and dedicated facilities
Academic resources
- Centrale Nantes: Ranked in the top 5 engineering schools in France. Known for its Ph.D. research studies in Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing. Other Ph.D. research studies in Computer Science and Automation, & Robotics.
- Nantes University: a key player in the development of marine renewable energy in France with its 12 laboratories, 16 diploma courses and 120 researchers involved.
Dedicated facilities
- Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port: 30 ha of logistical and industrial area with heavy quay and a 15 ha logistics hub for the pre-assembly of offshore wind turbines
- SEM-REV: First European site for multi-technology offshore testing that is connected to the grid
- Hull and wave tanks at Centrale Nantes engineering school
- The climatic wind tunnel at the CSTB site in Nantes
- Université Gustave Eiffel with a unique geotechnical centrifuge and cable fatigue test bench