Great business opportunities in hydrogen

Great because you will enter the 1st green hydrogen production site in France and a pioneer territory in this field in Europe.
Lhyfe’s plant in Bouin has been the first site in France to produce renewable hydrogen thanks to the energy of windfarm.
Innovative projects, like the world premiere Sealhyfe, are ongoing to produce green hydrogen through offshore wind energy. Open-C unique offshore test platform in Atlantic France is a key asset to test your solutions.
Green hydrogen from biomass is another promising solution of interest in Atlantic France (organic material-to-power, waste-to-power, …).
Great because you will find massive supply and infrastructures to support your H2 development.
100MW massive production site is engaged in Nantes-Saint Nazaire Port to supply clean hydrogen in Atlantic France and Europe.
Thanks to ZIBac project (the French major transition program to decarbonize heavy industries), the port strengthens its supplying of multi clean energies. Join and connect your projects to the major sustainable energy hub in the European Atlantic coast.
A new pipeline from the Atlantic coast to Paris will be connected to heavy industries of central Europe and fully integrated in the gaseous European backbone.
A growing distribution network in Atlantic France to fill in your engines.
Great because you will find some partners to boost your business.
Offroad mobility : Hydrogen handling equipement by Manitou, hydrogen tractor by Charier, design and retrofit of motors by Fétis Group or Vensys Group.
Shipping with hydrogen propulsed boat by Europe Technologies CIAM.
Aeronautics with liquid hydrogen tank development by AIRBUS. Major e-fuels and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production projects to come.
A strong industrial ecosystem with skills and experts to support and design your projects.
Great because you will be able to collaborate with one of France first class research ecosystem in hydrogen.
You will get access to European-wide unique test platforms and equipments, like CETIM and its expertise in hydrogen liquid tank, CEA and its motor test benchs or GRDF and its training centre for the gas industry.
Leading names

Powerful networking and the right connections
Innovation clusters
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Cluster dedicated to marine activities with 6 strategics areas.

The French industrial cluster for advanced manufacturing technologies

Promotes and develops business and innovation in automotive industry

provides technical and scientific services in mechanical engineering, innovation and advanced manufacturing

Innovation platforms
IRT Jules Verne
Mutualised research institute dedicated to the industry of the future, seeking to boost competitiveness in strategic industries by disruptive fabrication technologies

Technocampus Ocean
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to marine structures and metallic materials

Technocampus Composites
Mutualized technological research platform dedicated to composite manufacturing

Technology transfer platform, speeding innovation for industry and developing programs on AI and robotics/cobotics.

OPEN-C Foundation, national offshore test center for floating wind and marine renewable energy (MRE)

Business clusters
Brings together 235 members from 130 professions, covers more than 300 skill sets and spans 45 markets

Research platforms

LHEEA Centrale Nantes, CNRS

LTEN’s research focuses on heat and mass transfer in PEMFC fuel cells and their integration into systems.

Research Institute in Electric Energy of Atlantic Nantes (IREENA) focuses on battery system integration, hybridization, energy management, power electronics architecture.

Academic resources
Academic resources
- Centrale Nantes: Ranked in the top 5 engineering schools in France. Known for its Ph.D. research studies in Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing. Other Ph.D. research studies in Computer Science and Automation, & Robotics.
- Nantes University: a key player in the development of marine renewable energy in France with its 12 laboratories, 16 diploma courses and 120 researchers involved.