Recruitment can be a significant challenge if you are aiming to successfully establish or further develop your business. Recruitment demands are set to remain high in 2024, with a third of companies in the Atlantic France region declaring that they plan to hire this year*. To help you recruit, Solutions&co, the regional economic development agency, can offer support and point you towards the many schemes available in Atlantic France.
Figures that speak for themselves*
in the 4th quarter of 2023
plan to recruit in Atlantic France
anticipated for 2024
* Sources:
– France Travail’s annual ‘Labour Requirements 2024’ survey
– Atlantic France Economic Scoreboard
Help with setting up your business
Solutions&co can assist you with your recruitment needs to facilitate and encourage your move to the Atlantic France region. The advice and expertise of our economic developers provides real added value when it comes to securing the HR aspect of your project, including:
- Knowledge of schools
- Regional training courses and employment professionals (recruitment agencies, France Travail, etc.)
- Expertise in recruitment solutions
- Insights into availability of labour and supply-demand matching
- Understanding of available grants
Solutions&co’s economic advisors will save you valuable time and help you improve your recruitment performance! your go-to site for recruitment advice in Atlantic France
The Atlantic France regional council provides all businesses- of every size and sector- with a digital tool for publishing job offers, work-study placements, and internships:
This site helps you find candidates through its CV database, with new profiles added daily.
Among the 100% free services to support your recruitment efforts are:
- A company page that reflects your image and promotes your employer brand
- Unlimited posting of vacancies (jobs, work placements, and sandwich courses), with geolocation
- Automatic publication of your vacancies on six additional job sites to increase your visibility tenfold
- A CV database with alerts on predefined profiles to help you find the ideal candidate
- Privileged access to trainees from the Region’s vocational training programmes. in figures
in the region use it (86% VSEs/SMEs)
register each month
per month
Visit to create your space, post your first vacancies, and find your future employees.
It’s a free, intuitive tool that we use daily and highly recommend to our customers. The real plus: the well-designed ‘matching’ feature.
M. Rabiller, Recruitment Manager at Horper (85)
Solutions to speed up recruitment in Atlantic France
1 job = 1 training course
With this new service, the regional council finances 100% of training costs linked to recruitment intentions. This initiative is aimed at all types of employers and jobseekers, providing training tailored to specific needs. The courses can lead to certification, qualifications, or professional development.
Support for professionalisation contracts
The aim of this scheme is to support the training of jobseekers aged 30 or over on professionalisation contracts, with financial assistance for training provided to employers. This aid of up to €6,000 is paid for the first year of the contract.
Employment, tutoring, and training
The regional council supports establishments with fewer than 300 employees that take on and train jobseekers. It finances up to 400 hours of training, either in-house through tutoring or delivered by a Qualiopi-certified training organisation.
TPME, POEI, and AFPR courses
The Atlantic France region has developed a range of courses to help employers provide pre-recruitment training. Whether they are aimed specifically at small businesses or concern specific skills, such as Individual Operational Preparation for Employment (POEI), these courses are designed to help employers return to sustainable employment.
Pays de la Loire Conseil
This scheme provides targeted support specifically for VSEs and SMEs once they have established themselves in the region. Business owners benefit from guidance on development and human resources at key stages in the company’s growth: external expansion, transfer, adapting to the market, etc.
Human resources consultancy (PCRH)
Co-financed by the French State and the Atlantic France regional council, this programme enables small and medium-sized businesses to benefit from support linked to linked to economic recovery from COVID pandemic, recruitment, or employee integration. Depending on the type of need, the external advisor can also assist with employer branding issues.
Offered by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), this service provides a complete human resources assessment. Covering everything from legal obligations to the management of human capital, Eval’RH is designed to provide you with concrete, practical tools to consolidate, develop, or reorganise your business.
Emploi Export Pays de la Loire
If your Atlantic France-based SME has an export development project (innovation, product, etc.) and requires new hires to bring this product to the market, Emploi Export Pays de la Loire is for you!
The programme offers a 50% subsidy of the gross annual salary (excluding charges), up to a maximum of €15,000/year.
There are a number of schemes available to help you recruit, and Solutions&co will help you identify the best fit for your company!
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